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Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: a role model for youth


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Featured image from the article: St Bartholomew of the Martyrs: Saint of the Portuguese Church
St Bartholomew of the Martyrs: Saint of the Portuguese Church

On his liturgical feast day, meet St Bartholomew of the Martyrs

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Featured image from the article: Blessed João Fernandes: martyr of Brazil
Blessed João Fernandes: martyr of Brazil

On his liturgical feast day, learn more about Blessed João Fernandes

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Featured image from the article: The Miracle Saint of Lisbon
The Miracle Saint of Lisbon

Learn more about the life of St. Anthony, on his liturgical feast day

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Featured image from the article: Joan of Portugal: the princess who gave herself to Jesus
Joan of Portugal: the princess who gave herself to Jesus

Discover ten curiosities about Blessed Joan of Portugal

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