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Pope Francis thanks the volunteer’s collaboration


Whether in the work with the volunteers, in meetings with pilgrims or at Mass, I have been able to feel this deep joy that, until now, nothing and no one has been able to give me

Chiara Kollmeder

On a personal level, it was an experience of great inner growth in which I had the opportunity to get to know myself better, to still myself internally, even that I still have a long way ahead of me

Francisco Seabra

To sum up the experience of the WYD is an impossible task. And this happens because, even though it is a gathering of thousands of young people that celebrate their faith, it is above all a very personal meeting with the Lord. It is from this encounter with God that comes the personal experience of each Volunteer and each Pilgrim


I would also like to give a special mention and give my thanks to the number one volunteer, Bishop Américo Aguiar

 D. Manuel Clemente

During these days, while answering to a thousand needs, sometimes with your face showing the tiredness, sometimes overwhelmed by the emergencies of the moment, but always, I’ve noticed this, your eyes were bright, bright, bright with the joy of service. Thank you.

Pope Francis

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