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The WYD Lisbon 2023 Choir and Orchestra

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The beautiful way in which everyone worked towards a final goal, without excluding anyone regardless of their style, timbre, context, sexuality or reality, was a human manifestation of the Church that Jesus really wants: a Church for everyone, everyone, everyone.

Lucas Thaumaturgo
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Lucas Thaumaturgo at a rehearsal of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Choir
©Maria José Navarro / WYD Lisbon 2023

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being the face of Jesus in every conversation, every lunch, every note sung and played. Thank you for teaching me to be the face of Jesus for others in such a beautiful way!

Marta Bento
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Marta Bento on stage at Parque Tejo

I hope that we can bring this family together again so that, as our prayer says, 'the rush to proclaim you with the best of what we are and what we do will never leave us'!

Cátia Santos
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Cátia Santos at a rehearsal of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Choir
©WYD Lisbon 2023

At this WYD I served in the best way I knew how, by playing. It could have been in any other way, but it wouldn't have been the same. Like Mary, I tried to embrace all the challenges that came my way with a smile on my face and the confidence to give the best of myself to WYD

Natália Faria
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Natália Faria with the other horn players of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Orchestra

All together we said our ‘YES’ and fulfilled this unique and incredible Mission entrusted to us. We began our pilgrimage more than a year ago, and what a beautiful journey we have made, discovering each other always with the certainty that God was and is in our midst and was present in so many ways during our rehearsals and intensive weekends. We are all so proud of what we have managed to do together with so much love.

Teresa Cordeiro
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Teresa Cordeiro at a rehearsal in preparation for WYD Lisbon 2023

+ News

Featured image from the article: What motivates young people to pilgrimage to Campo da Graça?
What motivates young people to pilgrimage to Campo da Graça?

The energy of WYD, deepening their faith, and interacting with diverse cultures encourage them

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Featured image from the article: Evangelise through art
Evangelise through art

Ensemble23 Group performed at The Way of the Cross before Pope Francis

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Featured image from the article: Crowds of young people in silence and prayer
Crowds of young people in silence and prayer

The Vigil, one of the most anticipated moments of WYD, is a call to a deep encounter with Jesus

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